Thursday, October 1, 2015

Finding motivation

I work, go to school, and when I have free time I just want to lay here and do nothing but eat all the candy and pizza in the world and not worry about a damn thing, so YES I get it. BUT this is the real world and you just can't do that. This is your time to shine, this is your time to show everyone what you and your body are capable of! You need to find your motivation. I always like to look at Tumblr fitness blogs and look at all the fit, skinny girls because it makes me realize "Wow! That's what I want to look like!"

So maybe you can try that! You really need to find some REAL motivation though! I found mine :) 

My motivation is my boyfriend! 

He does anything and everything for me to make my life amazing, so why wouldn't I want to get in shape and have a hot body so he can have a hot girlfriend?? I know he would love me no matter what, but it still motivates me having him around and he is always so encouraging! If I tell him I'm going to start some new crazy diet and you can't let me stop it! He won't let me stop he will keep motivating me to do better and keep pushing myself, and he will keep reminding me of why I wanted to start it in the first place and always tells me how proud he is of me, not just in dieting and fitness but school and my career as well!
My other motivation is Kisses! 

She is always right by my side and always happy and cheerful. When I want to just lay there, she is right there barking, howling, and throwing toys at me until I get up and play with her. She is always wanting to go on walks and explore and has the cutest personality ever! YES she even pushes me, when we go on walks she will randomly start running and look back at me like "Come on mom" so I run too. She even workouts with me in the garage and does yoga poses (no joke). I of course can’t forget to mention the fact that she was diagnosed with obesity about 4 months ago and has now lost 3.5 pounds (in dogs under 20 pounds 1 pound is equivalent to 20 pounds on a person) and has so much more energy and looks so stinking cute and tiny!!! She is the most amazing and motivational dog of all time. #chiweeniebeanie

My complete diet ! If It Fits Your Macros

So I have been on an extreme diet and workout regime and everyone is wanting to know the secret! I have lost 12 pounds in five weeks and I have toned my body in areas I never thought possible! I feel amazing and look amazing and I always love to share how I get the results! Below is a picture of my results (I'm leaning to the side, which is why my boobs look uneven LOL)

Below you will see my entire diet plan of what I eat every day, how I cook it and what dressings I use on it. The diet I am giving you is exactly what you can have so please no questions of "Can I add this?" NO. The answer is and always will be no. This diet, however is only meant to do for really no longer than ten weeks because as you will see below it isn't all that healthy. The food you eat IS healthy yes but you aren't getting adequate nutrition to live off of so this is a kick start diet and after ten weeks you can start adding fruits, and HEALTHY carbs like black beans. If you overdo it and add bad carbs and bad sugars then your results will be gone just as fast as they came. Your diet should be based off of MACROS. You must count your macros in order to lose weight and tone your body. IIFYM= If It Fits Your Macros. YES if it fits your macros then you can eat it! Go to and they have a macro calculator for you. Now this diet below is definitely under my daily macros, which once again brings us back to the fact that this diet is temporary and a kick start diet not a long term diet. And remember you absolutely MUST drink 1 entire gallon of water a day, not only will it help you lose a shit ton of weight but with all this protein going into your body you need water to help process it out or your ass might end up in the hospital with kidney stones and who knows what else!!!

Breakfast 8 A.M: 3 egg whites, 1 egg, 1 cup spinach, 6 olives (make as an omelet) add two tablespoons of your choice of salsa to eat with it.

Snack 10 A.M: 1 scoop of protein powder (your choice) 1/4 cup oats, cinnamon and mix with water (cook as a pancake) I eat this with Walden Farms cinnamon raisin peanut spread and zero calorie syrup.

Lunch 12 P.M: Small green salad with 4 oz chicken breast. You can only have Walden Farms salad dressings and nothing on the salad, just the lettuce of your choice and chicken.

Snack 2 P.M: 1 protein shake, you can add any Walden Farms stuff to this to make it taste how you want, or even freeze it overnight and eat it as ice cream!

Dinner 4 P.M: 4 oz steak (some nights you can have white fish fi you don't feel like steak) (I prefer filet mignon it's so yummy) and one cup of green beans, broccoli, or asparagus. ***on a lot of nights I replace my entire dinner with a Quest bar because I don’t have time to come home and eat**

Snack 7 P.M: OPTIONAL 20 almonds, but if you don't like almonds (I absolutely hate almonds) you can have two tablespoons of any kind of peanut butter! Some days I use regular jiffy peanut butter and other days I use Nuts N More protein pumpkin spice or toffee crunch peanut butter AND on some days instead of having this as my last snack I just put it on my protein pancake in the morning and omgsh it's delish!!!!

ADDITIONAL: You can have all the coffee you want (preferably black, but if you don’t like black then add Walden Farms creamers or stevia to it.) and you can have all the zero calorie, zero sugar, zero carb drinks you want!

Workout routine: First things first! Your energy level is going to be absolute shit with this diet, so you need to find some type of pre work out that works for you! I use BPI Sports snow cone flavored pre work out and it’s amazing.

I do fasted cardio 4-5 days a week whenever I wake up…which for me might mean at 3 P.M in the evening since I am usually awake an working at night and asleep during the day, but school days things are a little different. For my cardio I do stair stepper for 40 minutes, changing the speed and skipping steps randomly to constantly keep my heart up to speed. I also do incline at 10.5 3.5 speed on the treadmill for the same amount of time. Choose what you enjoy doing, it’s a lot better to work out when you enjoy it! Mondays and Wednesdays at night I do arms and back (find exercises that you enjoy, I usually do bent over rows, bicep curls). Tuesdays and Thursdays are leg and abs days (SQUAT HEAVY you must squat heavy, do lunges, side lunges, sumo squat pulses, find your grind). You can change the days and times obviously.
This diet is very time consuming, so pick one day a week to meal prep. I work 7 P.M-7:30 A,M and have school full time on some days from 8 A.M- 8 P.M, I get at most 4-5 hours of sleep and that’s on a good day! I have barely any free time in my life, which is why I don’t blog as much anymore, so if I have time to do this diet and workout then everybody else in the world has time to do it!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2015


My diet consists of two protein shakes a day and protein is the most disgusting thing I've tasted. I've tried the Dymatize flavors and YUCK! Still so awful. So below are some ways I make my protein intake easier to swallow. If it wasn't for these I would probably be throwing up twice a day.
For my first Protein "shake" I actually have a pancake, so I mix my scoop of protein with WATER, milk=makes you fat so just don't even go there. I then add some oats, mix and BAM a beautiful (well it doesn't look so beautiful) pancake! Just add some Walden Farms syrup or peanut spread and you have a yummy snack!!!

For my second protein shake I put the scoop of protein, Walden Farms cinnamon peanut spread (1 spoonful) and Walden Farms blueberry syrup (about 2 tablespoons) blend in the Magic Bullet with some water and ice! It tastes amazing!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Hatha Yoga

As a nursing pre requisite I have to take a P.E class and I didn't want to take an average boring P.E class so I decided to take Hatha Yoga. This was the best decision I ever made! This class is all about meditation and inner peace and it's so relaxing/stress relieving.

Hatha Yoga is a style of Yoga that does stretches and meditation to align your muscles and bones. It is supposed to send brain waves throughout your body to help relieve stress. There are different poses for different types of problems including stress, anxiety, nervousness, etc. It helps you control your breathing and certain muscle groups which causes rapid weight loss.
I have been in the class three weeks and I feel amazing! I have gone into full meditation two times now and feel so great about my body! I definitely recommend to those of you who have a lot of stress in your life. or those who want to lose weight! Along with a lot of exercise, good diet, and this style of yoga you will see rapid results like mine below.

And of course, Kisses enjoys doing yoga as well!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Low carb recipes

Ok so I mostly go low carb like 25 grams or less a day! Some of these recipes below are super tasty and will help you get through it with no problem!!

For breakfast I like to have an omelette made with egg whites and spinach, you can also add mushrooms and tomatoes! If it is too blan for you, try seasoning it! Flavor God is an amazing seasoning brand that makes crazy flavors! For my omelette I use the pizza flavor or sometimes the lemon garlic. Super yummy!

For lunch I usually have chicken or tilapia (I love love love fish) just grill it and season with any season you like. I usually choose garlic salt for mine and have about a cup of salad with it and you are good to go! A good salad dressing is raspberry vinaigrette from Walden Farms, which is zero calories, carbs, sugar, and gluten! My mom uses these for her school kids that have gluten allergies (she is a nutrition director) but there are so many other amazing products from them!

For dinner I have steak or tilapia. I usually eat it with green beans because that is literally my favorite vegetable in the world! I like the canned green beans the best, I know they aren't as healthy as fresh green beans but mmmmmm they are so delicious. Sometimes I have broccoli but I am just not a big fan of it! There is also asparagus which is super yummy sauteed! Also remember portion control! This is so important especially if you are wanting to lose fat! You should only have about 4 oz of your meats and a cup or cup and a half of your salads and greens!

For snacks I like to eat almonds (dipped in Walden Farms chocolate dip or marshmallow dip, remember zero calories, carbs, and sugar), cheese (Omgsh cheese is my most favorite thing in the world), salami, turkey rolled up with cheese, jalapeƱos stuffed with cream cheese (bake them to crisp), and of course don't forget the usual protein shake!! I like Fitmiss protein it's pretty cheap and tastes super yummy! Very low carb too! BUT I just ordered some protein that is supposed to be super amazing according to Nutrishop and, It's ISO-100 Dymatize cookies and cream flavor, so I will definitely let you guys know how that one turns out!

And remember everything you cook on the stove use coconut oil!!! It's so much healthier than other oils.


Want some major fitspiration?!?! Follow @tonedgirls on Instagram and you will find it.... Every time I'm super hungry and want to eat a bag of chips or a cookie I go and look at all these fit girls and think NO because I will look like that in a few months if I stay away from these chips


Friday, August 28, 2015

Baby food diet review!!!

So I did the baby food diet which is where you can eat up to twelve cans of baby food a day. Well it didn't work out all that great. Let me tell you the baby food ravioli was delicious along with the oatmeal and apple flavor!!! But everything else basically tasted like pooh, and not only did it taste like pooh it made me pooh!!! Like a lot!!! I literally felt like the baby in this picture while eating most of itšŸ˜­šŸ˜­

 I did lose 4 pounds within the week on it but I gained them all right back once I went to eating normal again. So my overall review for this diet is it's good for quick weight loss but for overall health and keeping weight off its pretty much a joke.
 I usually do fad diets once in a while just to give my viewers some fun reviews and show them that if something sounds too good to be true then it probably is! I say stick to eating healthy, keep your carbs at a very very low minimum, keep your protein high, and no sugar and you can lose a lot and keep it off:)

MIA why?!?

I know I haven't blogged in a little over a week and it's due to the hectic school and work schedule but I am now back :) I just needed to get all my schedules and everything worked out!!! So feel free to leave comments on things you would like me to blog about!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Coffee with Bean

This morning I'm drinking Donut Shop coffee from my Keurig with sugar free hot chocolate mixed in, it's delicious! I am eating a Fiber One Strawberry Cheesecake Bar and OMGSH is it delicious!
Fiber One bars are a great grab and go snack that give you just enough to fill you up and are only 150 calories each! The down side to these bars though is the 24 grams of carbs and 10 grams of sugar BUT since they have 5 grams of fiber that really make it 19 grams of carbs. They really help your digestion system if you eat one of these a day! Some other things I have every morning to keep my body healthy is vitamins! These are the vitamins I take every morning...

Biotin pills for hair growth. I use the CVS hair skin and nails because they have a massive amount of biotin and other vitamins such as B4 and D. Take three of these every morning and you will see a lot of hair growth.

Two Probiotics for gut, and bladder health (these are a MUST if you are a woman) Probiotics are seriously amazing and benefit women is SO many ways. They help prevent blader infections and even yeast infections. Probiotics work by giving your body the good bacteria and balancing out your bad bacteria which is not just in your bladder but also in you gut.

Lysine for skin growth. Lysine is a great vitamin it helps your skin grow and also gets rid of canker sores. I have a milk allergy so anytime I drink milk, eat ice cream or eat cereal I get canker sores and my mouth gets super itchy and a little swollen inside,I just take two of the Lysine and it all goes away within 30 minutes.

Metamucil for digestion health. I am one of the few that has horrible problems going to the bathroom. I am constantly constipated so I take Metamucil every morning to help restore balance in my digestive system. Metamucil also helps with cholesterol and even weight loss.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Coffee with bean

Kisses is in her usual spot this morning watching all the people walk their dogs by our house.

It's like she knows that in an hour or two that's going to be her out there roaming the streets and enjoying her morning stroll! This morning's article is going to be about coffee enemas. I was reading The Skinny Confidential and read an article about coffee enemas. From there I did a lot of research on them. Coffee enemas have so many benefits I couldn't even list them all without boring you guys with a long drawn out blog post,so I listed below the tope 7 benefits of coffee enemas.

1: They clean your colon. They keep your colon clean and healthy.
2: weight loss. This can be dangerous if you use them constantly for weight loss but about once a week and you can actually see dramatic results according to a few youtube users.
3: Detoxifies your liver. Your liver hasa lot of toxins and the coffee enema is known to help get rid of those.
4: Cleans your GUT. Many people suffer from bacteria growing in the gut that causes chronic gas and horrible smelling insides but the coffee enema can change that with just one use.
5:Improves digestion, it helps the toxin levels in your digestive tract g down a lot causing digestion to an easy peasy process.
6:Gets rid of bloating. Got a big event coming up? Do the coffee enema the night before and you will be good to go!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Amazing hair products

I am a natural blonde and one day when I was a Freshman in high school I thought I should dye my hair black with a box dye AKA the devil! Well it looked amazing and I loved having dark hair and still do but I go through stages where I want blonde hair again so time and time again I have went and got my hair done a million times and got it to the blonde I wanted but at that point my hair was always damaged breaking off and had to be cut extremely short in order to survive. I would then get annoyed (like I just recently did) and dye my hair back to a dark brown so needless to say my hair has been through HELL and BACK. It is so damaged at this point I don't even want to look at it, but thanks to these amazing products it is already on its way back to being the healthy luxurious, shiny, sexy black hair it was (just like Adriana Lima).

The first product I have been using is my shampoo, Creme of Nature argon oil sulfate free shampoo. This product has four star ratings everywhere and it is literally a dream come true. I bought this product for about 4 dollars at Yazzy's hair supply in Fresno, Ca and it it works wonders! You only need a little bit of it and it deeply shampoos your hair and leaves it feeling thick and full. It also leaves a really pretty shine especially if you use along with my other products listed below. I promise this product is an absolute must!

The second product I use is a leave in conditioner which I use as my actual conditioner and leave it in for 10 minutes every night!
This product is Creme Of Nature Straight from Eden Leave-in Conditioner, Detangling, Plant-Derived. It is made from avocado oil and olive oil, it's sulfate free and works amazing! You can buy this product online from many places but I bought this from Yazzy's Hair supply in Fresno, CA. I love this product it keeps my hair super smooth and frizz free and you can really feel the difference after just one use!

The third product I use is Hask argon oil leave in treatment. I put this in my hair while it's dry and leave it in over night. I also put this not only the damaged ends of my hair but also on the roots to help give my hair a growing boost, this is a great method to help your hair grow faster.

The fourth product I use is coconut milk leave in serum by Organix. I use this product right after the shower and leave it in my hair until it's dry. I also put this product on my roots and at the ends where the most damage is. It works great and leaves my hair super soft and shiny!

High By The Beach (Lana Del Rey has done it again!)

Today was the release date of Lana Del Rey's new music video, High by the Beach.

Lana Del Rey is perfection all around, I love every single one of her songs, she just has such an amazing voice and style of music. Her music videos are always pretty interesting too. High by the Beach shows Lana in her beach front house wearing a sexy sheer silk slip with a blue robe over it while walking around looking outside the window.

 Outside of her house is a helicopter flying around with paparazzi inside taking photos of her. If you haven't heard the song yet then you should know most of the song is about how she just wants to get high by the beach but they wont ever leave her alone, well in this video she definitely got them to leave her alone. Lana at some point goes outside to grab what appears to be a guitar case well PSYCH. She actually pulls out a gun, a very big gun at that and blows the helicopter and paparazzi to pieces. As if Lana wasn't already a bad ass she just got a lot more bad. Watch the video below and comment on what you think of her new video, did she go too far?!

Coffee with Bean

We are up late this morning! I decided to enjoy this day and sleep in as much as possible and just relax because guess what?! School starts next week so this is my last day ever to sleep in for the next six months and also my last day to just lay around and not worry about anything!
My new schedule is going to be crazy so make sure to check in between my breaks for my new blog posts:)
My new schedule:
Child development: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8-8:50 A.M
Chemistry: Monday, Wednesday 3:30-4:50, lab Wednesday 5-7:50
Anatomy: Tuesday, Thursday 2-3:15, Lab Friday 11:30- 2:20
Yoga: Monday, Wednesday 2-2:50
and don't forget I still work 7 P.M - 7 A.M Friday, Saturday, and Sunday every week.

Another thing I wanted to discuss this morning is I was recently asked by a viewer if I have ever tried the raw food diet. I have not tried this diet but it has interested me in the past and now that it has been mentioned again I have done some extensive research on it. The raw food diet consists of exactly what it is called RAW FOOD. You can eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and anything that is unprocessed and raw.

The whole point of the raw food diet is to get the full amount of nutrients from all the food you eat. Cooked and processed food loses its nutrition value,so the whole point of this diet is to keep your food uncooked and under 118 degrees. You can have your food warmed up a little bit but it's better to stay completely raw. You also lose a lot of weight on this diet because most raw foods are extremely low in calories, but you can also lose a lot of your vitamin levels from this diet.
I am currently still on the baby food diet and have seen great results from this diet, but once all my baby food is out I will try out the raw food diet! I love trying out all kinds of new diets to see which ones work and let all my viewers know about the journey. I am all about helping people on their weight loss journey:)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

It's time for my weekly fitspiration!!! ♥

This week my fitspiration is Mrs. Pia Muehlenbeck! She is absolutely perfect. I chose Pia, because I have been following her on Instagram and snap chat for a little over a year now and she is amazing. Not only does she have an amazing slender body but she also is a great role model and very active in the community of Australia. Pia is the owner of Slinkii Fitness Wear which has amazing products.
She has everything from cute trendy tank tops, to comfortable and sexy yoga pants to keep you looking cute and sassy while working out.
She also has an amazing lifestyle blog where she does makeup tutorials to show you how she does her makeup for certain seasons, she also blogs about different hotels she stays in, and all the traveling she does (which by the way she does a lot of). Her blog is my biggest blogging inspiration because she is so wonderful at it, so please go follow Pia's blog Pia also went all the way through law school and became a lawyer for a short time but in 2014 she decided to follow her heart and start blogging and modeling, this is one of the main reasons she is such an inspiration to me. It's not all the time you see a famous blogger/model who actually went through college, got their degree, and worked with that degree for some time. I am almost ready for the RN program and I plan on continuing to get my master degree and become a nurse practitioner/midwife and she shows me that I can keep going to school and get through it but still do the things I love. I always look at her modeling portfolios and read her amazing blog posts to help keep me motivated and focused on my blog. Another reason I chose Pia as my fitspiration is because she has a lot of confidence and loves to show off her body which is a definite MUST in the fit/skinny world.
If you love Pia just as much as I do then you can follow her on her Instagram where she does tons of free giveaways of her very own personal clothing items and has tons of amazing fitness photos.

Haters gonna hate hate hate baby I'm just gonna shake shake shake, shake it off

With writing a blog comes hate comments, I don't ever let them get to me because I absolutely love my blog and hate negativity. I am so happy with my life and where it has gone these past two years and I feel so bad for all the cruel and evil people out there who hate their lives so much that they would try to ruin mine or any other persons. I have an amazing boyfriend, amazing dog, amazing friends, and amazing family. That's all I need in my life, and I'm really sad for the people who hate their lives so much that they become obsessed with mine. Just like Taylor Swift always says baby you just gotta shake shake shake it off.
The best way to do that is follow my top three ways to "Ignore the haters"
1. Become content with your life. Becoming content with your own life and loving every second of it helps you forget the negativity around you.
2. Exercise. Exercising helps keep you focused, feeling healthy, and balanced. It's a great way to ignore negativity in your life because it helps you feel fulfilled and satisfied with your life!
3.Hobbies! Finding an activity that you love to do will help keep your mind off of negative people and all the negativity that comes with them. I love to blog, spend time with my dogs, and exercise. Those are all of my favorite hobbies that help keep my mind in a positive vibe:)

Monday, August 10, 2015

Where have I been??

I'm sure some of you are wondering why I haven't posted anything or done coffee with bean the past three days, well I usually don't blog or do coffee with bean on Saturdays, Sundays, or Mondays due to my work schedule, but I do really try to fit it in. I work 12 hour shifts from 7 P.M to 7 A.M every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday which causes me to sleep all day the next day! I promise I am still here and still on track to my fitness journey! I'll take this time to read comments and write about any requests you all have!!!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Coffee with Bean

Today our coffee time isn't so relaxing;( all the siblings are up and about being rambunctious!
But we still love them anyways. Kisses and I just ate our breakfast, of course she had weight control by Blue Buffalo and I had bananas and pear Gerber baby food and a spoonful of peanut butter all adding up to 260 calories.
This morning's 5 A.M boot camp consisted of squats, dumbbell squats, squat holds, jumping, jacks rows, and a lot of push ups! I am so sore from this week I can barely sit down to go to the bathroom! I am really enjoying this boot camp, I wake up every morning and I actually want to go and feel pumped to go. I started wondering why I would actually enjoy working out and then I realized there are plenty of ways to make working out fun, so I came up with the 5 ways to make a workout more fun!

1. Get a workout partner! Yes working out is a lot more fun when you have have someone you love and trust right by your side doing it with you. You can laugh at each other and push each other to keep going. I workout with one of my best friends Christine and we are always motivating each other to at least get out of bed and go!
2. Have a fun uplifting group to workout with! Having a group of people to workout with makes it a lot more exciting! At my boot camp we have a big group of girls of all different shapes, sizes, and age and we all motivate each other and have a great time without judging each other.
3. Good music. That's right,no workout is fun if you don't have some good jams to workout to. I enjoy Lorde's Pure Heroine album to listen to, for some reason it just gets me pumped up.
4. Good exercises. What fun is a workout if it isn't actually working? Exercising isn't fun if you don't feel sore and don't see results. Yes it's hard when you are sore and you feel like giving up but remember when you feel that tightness in your muscles that means it's actually working and you will be the new Kate Moss in NO TIME!
5. Setting a goal!!! I can't stress this enough. Set some kind of goal whether it be you want to lose 10-20 pounds OR just set a goal for that day. For example, if you are doing jump squats one day, set a goal with yourself that by the end of this workout I will be able to do 20 jump squats without stopping. Even the smallest goals matter and will eventually turn into something bigger!
With all of that being said, I think Kisses is ready for her walk;)