Sunday, January 10, 2016

New, Year, New Semester, New Beginnings

It's a new year which means New Years resolutions.

Well before I get to that I just wanted to give a little run down of what the beginning of my new year is going to be like. I start the new semester which includes Physiology, Food and Nutrition and Child Development. Kisses is pretty sad about me starting school because that may mean less time together. The good news for her though is that when I'm in school I tend to be a busy body and want to constantly be doing something so that will mean more walks for her.

So this year I decided to stay away from a new years RESOLUTION and think of it more as a goal that needs to happen by a certain deadline. This year I have a few of them and I'm SO excited to be working on them.

My first goal is to lose 20 pounds by June 1st, I know it may seem like a lot for someone my size but it's something I've always wanted to do and I know I can do it with hard work and dedication. Especially with this holiday weight I've put on;) Since I'm going to have a pretty busy schedule I think it will be much easier for me to obtain my goal because I won't just be vegging at home wondering what my next meal is going to be. I also have a much more open and flexible schedule which gives me plenty of time to walk all the dogs everyday and do cardio at the gym twice a day of course with some weight training.

My second goal is to quit cussing, we all know I have one of the biggest potty mouths in the history of white girls. I cuss over everything like it's no big deal. It's really quite unattractive and embarrassing for me and I'm sure for my boyfriend as well. It's like who wants to see some pretty, innocent, 12 year old looking girl saying "fuck that stupid fucking ass hole bitch who doesn't know how to drive".

And my last goal of the year is to support my boyfriend as much as I can while he goes through one of the hardest times of his life WOOT WOOT ready for it POLICE ACADEMY! I'm pretty excited to be able to say I'm dating a future Police Officer, but what girl wouldn't be? ;) I did all kinds of research on Police Academy's and I had no idea it's basically like the military. So I feel pretty bad that he has to spend half his year getting bossed around and doing crazy amounts of push-ups, but he's definitely the one to do it without complaining and probably enjoying it....I know I would come home crying my first day.

Any Requests for things you want to know about me, my life, my workouts, my recipes, or any products you would like me to review for the blog just comment on any of my posts, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with your ideas !

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